

I am a PhD candidate at the Graphics and Imaging Lab (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain) under the supervision of Prof. Belen Masia and Prof. Ana Serrano. Previously, I obtained my Batchelor’s degree in Electronic and Automatic Engineering and my Master’s degree in Robotics, Graphics, and Computer Vision, both at Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain. My main research interests include virtual reality, applied perception, and deep learning, but I am always open to new interesting lines of research.

My PhD thesis focuses on modeling human perception in virtual reality environments, and how it can be used to improve virtual reality content generation and visualization.


Cooming Soon!

AViSal360: Audiovisual Saliency Prediction for 360º Video

Edurne Bernal-Berdun, Jorge Pina, Mateo Vallejo, Ana Serrano, Daniel Martin, and Belen Masia. 

To appear in ISMAR 2024

Modeling the Impact of Head-Body Rotations on Audio-Visual Spatial Perception for Virtual Reality Applications

Edurne Bernal-Berdun, Mateo Vallejo, Qi Sun, Ana Serrano and Diego Gutierrez. 

IEEE TVCG (Proc. IEEE VR), 2024

** Honorable Mention for Best Award (Journal Track) **       JCR Q1

D-SAV360:  A Dataset of Gaze Scanpaths on 360º Ambisonic Videos

Edurne Bernal-Berdun, Daniel Martin, Sandra Malpica, Pedro J. Perez, Diego Gutierrez, Belen Masia, and Ana Serrano. 

IEEE TVCG (Proc. ISMAR), 2023


SST-Sal: A Spherical Spatio-Temporal Approach for Saliency Prediction in 360º Videos

Edurne Bernal-Berdun, Daniel Martin, Diego Gutierrez, and Belen Masia. 

Computers & Graphics (Proc. CEIG), 2022

      JCR Q1

Research Stays

NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Short research stay visiting Prof. Qi Sun, Inmersive Computing Lab

Visiting Research Scholar

(09/20/22 - 10/05/22)


Internship at Adobe (San Jose) supervised by Dr. Xin Sun


(Summer 2024)

Conferences & Workshops

2024 The European Metaverse Research Network Conference: A Metaverse for the Good

Poster presentation: A Taxonomy for D-SAV360, a Dataset of Gaze Scanpaths on 360º Ambisonic Videos. Edurne Bernal-Berdun, Maria Plaza, Daniel Martin, Sandra Malpica, Belen Masia, Ana Serrano, and Diego Gutierrez

IV Jornada del I3A - XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras

Poster presentation: Salency prediction in 360º videos with transformers. Mateo Vallejo, Diego Gutierrez, and Edurne Bernal-Berdun.

XI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras

Talk: SST-Sal: A Spherical Spatio-Temporal Approach for Saliency Prediction in 360º Videos. Edurne Bernal-Berdun, Daniel Martin, Diego Gutierrez, and Belen Masia.
